Ultrasonic scalpel system

Partner BOWA Medical
LOTUS kuffert


Transport case for LOTUS LG4 and accessories.

LOTUS vogn


Correct and gentle cleaning of the LOTUS transducer.

LOTUS bariatrisk dissektionssaks

LOTUS bariatric dissecting shears

Ultrasonic shears for bariatric procedures with a unique torsion ultrasound

LOTUS aaben kirurgi leverresektion

LOTUS open surgery dissecting shears

Ultrasonic shears for open surgical applications with a unique torsion ultrasound


LOTUS laparoscopic dissecting shears

Ultrasonic shears for laparoscopic applications with a unique torsion ultrasound.

LOTUS fodkontakt

Foot Switch

Pneumatic foot switch for the LOTUS generator LG4


LOTUS laparoscopic liver resector

Ultrasonic liver resector for laparoscopic surgery with unique torsion ultrasound.

LOTUS aaben kirurgi leverresektion

LOTUS open surgery liver resector

Ultrasonic liver resector for open surgery with a unique torsion ultrasound

LOTUS kurve

LOTUS reprocessing baskets

Correct and gentle cleaning of the LOTUS transducer

LOTUS LG4 ultralydsgenerator

 LOTUS LG4 generator.

LOTUS LG4 – The powerful torsional ultrasonic system.